Attractive dewdrops beauty in images

Dewdrops, morning, and leaves

When it is a winter morning and the sun is clear, when you write like a garden, you will feel very happy. When you see small drops of water lying on the plants, when you touch them, those drops of water will fall on you. The fingers will stick to the hand and it will feel as if diamonds are in the palm of your hand.

Alfalfa plant with dewdrops
Alfalfa plant with dewdrops


Rose plant stem with dewdrops
Rose plant stem with dewdrops

Basically, these drops of clear water come down from the sky to the ground all night in the form of dew and together they form drops of water.

And when the sun shines on them they give a pleasant feeling, just as when the winter is bitterly cold and there are hazy days and nights, the same cold water descends from the sky on the earth and clings to the leaves of the plants. And they cling to the leaves of the droplets as if a child had placed glass bullets in a row.

You can see the beauty of nature only in the morning when the weather is clear but when the weather is cloudy or If it is foggy, you can watch this scene all day long and if you want, you can also film it. Below are some pictures. You can watch them. 

Alfalfa plant with flowers and dew
Alfalfa plant with flowers and dew


Plant with dewdrops
Plant with dewdrops


Grass with dewdrops
Grass with dewdrops


Attractive plant with dewdrops
An attractive plant with dewdrops


Autumn plant with dewdrops
Autumn plant with dewdrops


Wild plant leaves with dewdrops
Wild plant leaves with dewdrops


Leaf with a dewdrop
Leaf with a dewdrop


A dewdrop on a leafless branch
A dewdrop on a leafless branch


Attractive reticulated plant leaves with dew
Attractive reticulated plant leaves with dew


Wild plant with dewdrops


Attractive wild plant with dewdrops
Attractive wild plant with dewdrops


Wild plant with dewdrops
Wild plant with dewdrops


Wild plant branch with morning dew
Wild plant branch with morning dew


Plant stem with dewdrops
Plant stem with dewdrops


Dewdrops on a wild plant
Dewdrops on a wild plant


Wild grass stem with dew
Wild grass stem with dew


Wild grass with dewdrops
Wild grass with dewdrops                                                                                                                                                      Attractive images of dewdrops on plant leaves captured in the morning.

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